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Yoga Resources
Yoga is much more than an asana practice (physical practice). Studying is another big part of Yoga. That's why I would like to share with you my favorite resources in English and in French.
Yoga Sutras, Patanjali
The Baghavad Gîta, Eknath Easwaran
Inside the Yoga Sutras, Jaganath Carrera
Yoga Mala, Pattabhi Jois
Ashtanga Yoga Anushtana, Sharath Jois
Ageless, Sharath Jois
Light on Yoga, B.K.S Iyengar
The Power of Ashtanga Yoga, Kino MacGregor
Act of Love, Kino MacGregor
Functional Anatomy of Yoga, David Keil
Mudras - Yoga in your hands, Gertrud Hirschi
The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga, Bernie Clark
Insight Yoga, Sarah Powers
Patanjali Yoga-Sutras, traduction François Mazet
Le Yoga, nouvel esprit du capitalisme, Zineb Fahsi
Yoga - Pratiquer le yoga à la maison et comprendre sa philosophie, Yoga Coaching Ariane
Le Chien tête en bas, 45 histoires d'asanas, Clémentine Erpicum
Let's talk yoga, Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Yogaland, Andrea Ferretti
Yoga Teacher Resource, Mado Hesselink
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